Lead Generators need to delicately balance compelling content and CTAs with transparency and strict compliance...
Lead compliance consortiuim
Similar to consumer advocacy service bureaus and standards certification organizations, the LQA provides its member organizations within the lead-generation, processing and marketing arena with the right to display a “LQA Seal of Certification” in their marketing materials. Our seal certifies that the organization has attested to meeting the basic requirements of LQA membership, including adoption of the Core Operating Principles listed below, which serve as the framework of business values, marketing integrity, operational processes, and technology adoption in their respective businesses.
Our members commit annually to abide by these shared standards towards full compliance with of all applicable regulatory rules and industry standards in their sales & marketing practices by:
Lead Generators need to delicately balance compelling content and CTAs with transparency and strict compliance...
Being a member of the Lead Qualitiy Alliance assures our clients we are practicing a rigorous process for compliance with the law
~ Don Walker, COO Bridge Media Partners