The primary operation of the Lead Quality Alliance follows the vision of its Co-Founders and is managed by its Board of Directors. The BOD meets monthly to plan any Alliance communications, events and promotional activities, and to consider new LQA membership applications. Board meetings are open to all active members. The Board also hosts a Linked_In page for posting all Alliance activities and providing an open communications forum for use by our members and others working within the Lead-Gen sector.
While collaboration and information sharing are essential to the LQA identity and its mission of supporting our Members, we are ACTION-ORIENTED. We learn by collaborating and working together – experimenting, measuring, adjusting, and trying again. We know that lofty goals and philosophies are proven by action and are meaningless on their own. Key benefits Lead Quality Alliance membership include access to each others’ best practices, sharing of our successes and the challenges of our respective businesses to help us learn, improve our collaborative efforts, and guiding our members in interpreting and responding to government regulations and consumer needs. These goals are facilitated by providing feedback from our employees, our business partners and customer interactions.
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